Articles in Category: Nieuws
DONG Energy Solar Challenge Day 1 - internet
After 20 minutes of fiddling around we have a internet connection for all our social media needs! The internet subscription (20Mb down / 2Mb up) is sponsored by Hertzinger - Leusden and the hardware by I-sat – Bolsward. Pay a visit to their website and discover the solutions they offer for events like this or rural areas where broadband landside connections are unavailable.
DONG Energy Solar Challenge DAY 1
Pre DONG solarboat tuning
Warehouse sponsor
Now that the DONG Energy Solar Challenge is coming we are busy working on multiple solarboats at the same time. We are very pleased with Bouwbedrijf Lont for sponsoring a big warehouse only 500 meters away from MG Electroics, this enables us to work faster and more efficient!

Drone fleet expanded
Team presentation video
Our team presentation is online, thanks DONG Energy Solar Challenge for making this video!
Recap video of the second day at the Dutch Championship Akkrum
The final recap video is ready! In this video you see parts of saturday; "Rondje Akkrum" and the sprint race.
You can replay the full event here: Geosports live replay.
Succes! We are flying again!
We were a little skeptical at first, but the small hydrofoils are more than capable of carrying the Furia III. Here a screenshot of the MG Energy Portal showing the telemetry data coming real-time from the Furia III in flight. Unfortunately we have to hide the power data to keep the competition in the unknown (of the performance)……
In a couple of days we will publish more pictures!
New flying gear
Last weekend we finally had time to replace all components that propell the furia III in flight. As of today we have new: propellers, gears, shafts, motor, smaller hydrofoils (40%) and a rudder that is 30% thinner than the previous. Every component is designed and improved by the team, it is a complete new generation of hydrofoil gear!
Click image for more picturesRecap video of the first day at the Dutch Championship Akkrum
New promo video Solar1 Monaco
A nice promo video of the upcoming solar1 race in Monaco. It shows some spectacular video material of our first solar racing test in Monaco!
Dutch Championship Akkrum "Rondje Akkrum"
Almost all participants of the Dutch championship Akkrum must know this route by heart by now, and now you can join them. After a full hour of racing we placed a camera for you to see what the team captain of the Furia III saw the last 15 minutes. Sit back and enjoy!
The goal of the race in the video was to sail as many laps as possible during 75 minutes, we managed to do 20 laps with an average spectacular speed of 28 km/h
Discover the route here.A recap videos of the event will apear on this blog soon!
Dutch Championship Akkrum "Sprint" finish
A recap video is still to come but this video shows our performance at the sprint during the Dutch Championship Akkrum. The video was shot at the finish of the sprint game first showing Gerard van der Schaar pushing the Furia III to 45km/h and a few seconds later Mark Scholten in the Furia II sailing at about 29km/h.
Check out the route here.Cheking back the log files we confirmed that we broke our speed record with 1 km/h, our new record stands at 45 km/h!
Furia3 te zien op Boot Holland
De afgelopen jaren hebben we onze kampioensboten getoond op Boot Holland, dé watersportbeurs van Nederland. Inmiddels wordt dat een traditie, want ook dit jaar zijn we aanwezig. En wel met de Furia3, onze huidige draagvleugelboot.
Bent u benieuwd naar de zonneboot? U kunt ons vinden op stand 4026. Graag tot ziens!